My thoughts on leadership, coaching, and professional development.
How an Elevator Ride Taught Me My Greatest Leadership Lesson
At 22 years old I was given one of the greatest leadership lessons in my 25 year career…and it happened in an instant while riding an elevator on a cold February day.
Who Packs Your Parachute? A Lesson in Gratitude
Join me on my front porch as I share a story about a Naval Fighter Pilot who learned gratitude where he least expected it and how you can do the same.
An Unexpected WWII Christmas Eve
A true story of kindness that is almost unbelievable. Four German Soldiers, three American Soldiers, and one local German family’s inspiring generosity on a blizzard filled Christmas Eve.
Unlikely Civil War Hero Transforms the Hearts of His Soldiers and Opposition
How an unlikely civil war leader transformed his inexperienced soldiers into a disciplined and admired regiment.
How One Runner Made the Impossible, Possible
The moment you decide the impossible may be possible, is when you achieve what no one has before.
Learning to Innovate From a High Jumper’s Flop
What does an Olympic High Jumper, Steve Jobs and Amazon all have in common? Join me on My Front Porch and find out.
How a POW’s Brutal Optimism Can Inspire You to Hope
What the Stockdale Paradox teaches us about leading and living through our current pandemic crisis.
What a 100 Year Old Shipwreck Can Teach You About Leadership
What can we learn from an explorer from over 100 years ago to teach us about leading others during this crisis…..just about EVERYTHING!!
A Lesson In Courage From An Unexpected Revolutionary War Hero
At the most unexpected moments we are called upon to be courageous. This is a story of courage from an vital Revolutionary War Hero you probably have never heard of!